Source code for sqlalchemy_media.processors

import io
from typing import Iterable

from PIL import Image as PilImage

from .descriptors import StreamDescriptor
from .exceptions import ContentTypeValidationError, DimensionValidationError, \
    AspectRatioValidationError, AnalyzeError
from .helpers import validate_width_height_ratio
from .mimetypes_ import guess_extension, guess_type, magic_mime_from_buffer
from .typing_ import Dimension

[docs]class Processor(object): """ .. versionadded:: 0.5 Abstract base class for all processors. Processors are used to modify/replace the attachment before storing. """
[docs] def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict) -> None: """ **[Abstract]** Should be overridden in inherited class and apply the process on the file-like object. The result may be inserted info ``context`` argument. :param descriptor: The :class:`.BaseDescriptor` instance, to read the blob info from. :param context: A dictionary to put and get the info about the attachment. Which as ``content_type``, ``width``, ``height``, ``length`` and etc ... """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Analyzer(Processor): """ The abstract base class for all analyzers. """
[docs] def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict): """ Should be overridden in inherited class and analyzes the given :class:`.BaseDescriptor` instance. .. note:: An instance of :exc:`.AnalyzeError` or sub-types may raised """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class MagicAnalyzer(Analyzer): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2 .. versionchanged:: 0.5 - Inherited from :class:`.Processor` - The ``analyze`` method renamed to ``process`` to override the parent method. Analyze the file using the libmagic and it's Python wrapper: ``python-magic``. .. warning:: You should install the ``python-magic`` in order, to use this class. otherwise, an :exc:`.OptionalPackageRequirementError` will be raised. """
[docs] def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict): context.update( content_type=magic_mime_from_buffer(descriptor.get_header_buffer()) )
[docs]class Validator(Processor): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2 .. versionchanged:: 0.5 - Inherited from :class:`.Processor` - The ``validate`` method renamed to ``process`` to override the parent method. The abstract base class for all validators. """
[docs] def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict) -> None: """ **[Abstract]** Should be overridden in inherited class and validate the validate the ``context``. .. note:: It should be appended after the :class:`.Analyzer` to the :attr:`Attachment.__pre_processors__`. .. note:: An instance of :exc:`.ValidationError` or sub-types may raised :param descriptor: The :class:`.BaseDescriptor` instance, to read the blob info from. :param context: A dictionary to to validate. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class ContentTypeValidator(Validator): """ .. versionadded:: 0.2 Assert content types. :param content_types: An iterable whose items are allowed content types. .. note:: :exc:`.ContentTypeValidationError` may be raised during validation. """ def __init__(self, content_types: Iterable[str] = None): self.content_types = set(content_types)
[docs] def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict): if 'content_type' not in context: raise ContentTypeValidationError() if context['content_type'] not in self.content_types: raise ContentTypeValidationError( context['content_type'], self.content_types )
[docs]class ImageValidator(ContentTypeValidator): """ .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. versionchanged:: 0.5 - Renamed from ``ImageDimensionValidator`` to ``ImageValidator``. Validates image size :param minimum: Minimum allowed dimension (w, h). :param maximum: Maximum allowed dimension (w, h). :param content_types: An iterable whose items are allowed content types. :param min_aspect_ratio: Minimum allowed image aspect ratio. :param max_aspect_ratio: Maximum allowed image aspect ratio. .. versionadded:: 0.6 - ``min_aspect_ratio`` and ``max_aspect_ratio`` .. note:: Pass ``0`` on ``None`` for disabling assertion for one of: ``(w, h)``. .. note:: :exc:`.DimensionValidationError` may be raised during validation. Use it as follow .. testcode:: from sqlalchemy_media import Image, ImageAnalyzer, ImageValidator class ProfileImage(Image): __pre_processors__ = [ ImageAnalyzer(), ImageValidator( (64, 48), (128, 96), content_types=['image/jpeg', 'image/png'] ) ] """ def __init__(self, minimum: Dimension = None, maximum: Dimension = None, content_types=None, min_aspect_ratio: float = None, max_aspect_ratio: float = None): self.min_width, self.min_height = minimum if minimum else (0, 0) self.max_width, self.max_height = maximum if maximum else (0, 0) self.min_aspect_ratio = min_aspect_ratio self.max_aspect_ratio = max_aspect_ratio if content_types: super().__init__(content_types=content_types)
[docs] def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict) -> None: if hasattr(self, 'content_types'): super().process(descriptor, context) width = context.get('width') height = context.get('height') if not (abs(width or 0) and abs(height or 0)): raise DimensionValidationError( 'width and height are not found in analyze_result.' ) if self.min_width and self.min_width > width: raise DimensionValidationError( f'Minimum allowed width is: {self.min_width: d}, but the ' f'{width: d} is given.' ) if self.min_height and self.min_height > height: raise DimensionValidationError( f'Minimum allowed height is: {self.min_height: d}, but the ' f'{height: d} is given.' ) if self.max_width and self.max_width < width: raise DimensionValidationError( f'Maximum allowed width is: {self.max_width: d}, but the ' f'{width: d} is given.' ) if self.max_height and self.max_height < height: raise DimensionValidationError( f'Maximum allowed height is: {self.max_height: d}, but the ' f'{height: d} is given.' ) aspect_ratio = width / height if (self.min_aspect_ratio and self.min_aspect_ratio > aspect_ratio) \ or ( self.max_aspect_ratio \ and self.max_aspect_ratio < aspect_ratio ): raise AspectRatioValidationError( f'Invalid aspect ratio {width} / {height} = {aspect_ratio},' f'accepted_range: ' f'{self.min_aspect_ratio} - {self.max_aspect_ratio}' )
[docs]class ImageProcessor(Processor): """ Used to re-sampling, resizing, reformatting bitmaps. .. warning:: - If ``width`` or ``height`` is given with ``crop``, Cropping will be processed after the resize. - If you pass both ``width`` and ``height``, aspect ratio may not be preserved. :param format: The image format. i.e jpeg, gif, png. :param width: The new image width. :param height: The new image height. :param crop: Used to crop the image. The crop argument is 4-tuple of (left, top, right, bottom) ImageProcessor(crop=(10, 10, 120, 230)) """ def __init__(self, fmt: str = None, width: int = None, height: int = None, crop=None): self.format = fmt.upper() if fmt else None self.width = width self.height = height self.crop = crop # self.crop = None if crop is None else { # k: v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for k, v in crop.items() # } def _update_context(self, img: PilImage, format_, context: dict): mimetype = guess_type(f'a.{format_}'.lower()) context.update( content_type=mimetype, width=img.width, height=img.height, extension=guess_extension(mimetype) )
[docs] def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict): # Copy the original info # generating thumbnail and storing in buffer img = format_unchanged = self.format is None or img.format == self.format size_unchanged = ( (self.width is None or img.width == self.width) and (self.height is None or img.height == self.height) ) if self.crop is None and format_unchanged and size_unchanged: self._update_context(img, img.format, context) descriptor.prepare_to_read(backend='memory') return # Preserving format format_ = self.format or img.format if 'length' in context: del context['length'] # opening the original file output_buffer = io.BytesIO() # Changing dimension if required. if not size_unchanged: width, height, _ = \ validate_width_height_ratio(self.width, self.height, None) img = img.resize(( width(img.size) if callable(width) else width, height(img.size) if callable(height) else height )) # Cropping if self.crop: img = img.crop(self.crop), format=format_) self._update_context(img, format_, context) descriptor.replace(output_buffer, position=0, **context)
class ImageAnalyzer(Analyzer): """ .. versionadded:: 0.16 Analyze an image using available image library by calling the :classmethod:`.imaging.ImagingLibrary.get_available() .. note:: This object currently selects ``width``, ``height`` and ``mimetype`` of an image. """ def process(self, descriptor: StreamDescriptor, context: dict): # This processor requires seekable stream. descriptor.prepare_to_read(backend='memory') try: img = except OSError: raise AnalyzeError('Cannot identify the requested image file') context.update( width=img.width, height=img.height, content_type=img.get_format_mimetype() ) # prepare for next processor, calling this method is not bad and just # uses the memory temporary. descriptor.prepare_to_read(backend='memory')